Jugiong Carpathon
7, 8 & 9 March 2025
At the Jugiong Hall, Jugiong NSW 2627
The Carpathon is a great family fishing event, where participants and their families flock to the picturesque banks of the Murrumbidgee River at and around Jugiong over the course of the weekend to catch and remove as many Carp as possible.
A particular focus of the event is the promotion of fishing amongst the younger generation, with attractive prizes on offer for this group.
Various prizes are provided for children through to adults to promote our sport of fishing and reduce the numbers of this aquatic pest from our waterways.
Funds raised from the Carpathon go directly towards competition prizes as well as projects supporting our waterways and community, such as native fingerling releases.
Since 2017 we have released $14,000 worth of Golden Perch and Murray Cod fingerlings into the Murrumbidgee River at Jugiong.
Everyone is invited to come and join us for a weekend of fishing and socialising.
The European Carp (Cyprinus carpio) is a pest that affects native fish species, biodiversity and aquatic vegetation. They reduce water quality, damage riverbanks and contribute to algae blooms. Carp are adaptable and populations can increase quickly, out competing native species and attributing to their eventual decline.
With the removal of as many Carp as possible and the introduction of native fingerlings we can already see improvements in our local waterways.
Thank you to our generous sponsors:
Website provided by GRANGE CREATIVE